Planet Cazmo Cheats, Glitches, Secrets, Guides and More!

March 28, 2010


Hey Cazmos,

Sorry for posting so late but my computer hasnt been working properly lately, Friday Planet Cazmo updated.

Voting for Planet Cazmo’s t-shirt contest has began, you can rate shirts 1-5 stars in the newspaper.

The newspaper has been updated with new hot deals.

The School Gyrls concert is throughout this weekend, make sure you go backstage and pickup an autograph!

This weeks Ambassador Gift is the Baggy Red pants, if an ambassador catches you performing a random act of kindness you could receive these!


Planet Cazmo Cheats Guide

March 19, 2010


Hey Cazmos today Planet Cazmo updated!

Planet Cazmo has released a new bargain shop, ever Wednesday expect to find new deals!

The newspaper has been updated. The second Ginormous Ridonkulous show has been released. This show focuses mainly on a few old players. My good old friends sAcReD, Themick777, Anzer Lizmos and Night Fang. Ginormous and the Cazmo Band now have voices instead of chat bubbles.  A new contest has been announced, You must sing a song about Planet Cazmo using a new iPhone app called Ladida. I will be checking this out soon. There are new hot deals too, make sure to get your winter items which include iceskates before theyre gone!

The Jason Castro concert Encore is through out this weekend. Be sure to head backstage and get an autograph!


Planet Cazmo Cheats Guide Owner

February 12, 2010


Hey Cazmos its AC today Cazmo updated!

Savannah Outen is having a concert this weekend. You can pick up an autograph backstage if you are a member.

You can now download her music by talking to the NPC in the Caz Rox Cafe.

Something I have known about for a few days now is anyone can control the lights now!

The soccer jackets have returned to the clothing shop for a limited time!

This weeks ambassador gift is the Robot Sneaks, if an Ambassador catches you performing a random act of kindness you may receive these!


Planet Cazmo Cheats Guide Owner


January 16, 2010


Hey guys its AC today cazmo updated!

Theres some new hot deals and two new coats are out.

Ice skates havent come yet but I found a very cool sneak peak of them!

The Arena has been updated and there is some ice that you can walk on similar to the ice at the lake. I think the Arena looks pretty cool!

Ambassadors are now able to hand out 3 gifts a day! These gifts are the same as the ones given by moderators. Please dont ask me for a gift, if you are helping someone or being nice I will notice you. At times I may just get bored and give out a gift to a random person in the room too.

This weeks gift is a brown shirt.

Today was the Kate concert. Mick came for a visit and he said he might come back to pc!

I thought it was interesting that at the end of the concert the curtains closed instead of them just poofing off.

You can get an autograph from Kate backstage if you are a member!

There’s a new thing with all of the Current events on cazmo too.

Wow that was a lot of updates! Iceskates should come early next week. Buddy lists have increased for members and ambassadors too!

Planet Cazmo Cheats Guide Owner

November 25, 2009


Update: If my house is #1 there is a chance I will give away 1000 cazmo cash!!!

Hey guys it’s AC I have big big news! If you haven’t noticed yet I purchased a new domain name and I renewed my css upgrade. I will be either reverting the css back to my usual theme or a winter theme (comment your opinion!) I will also update all of the pages and my header etc. Also Cazmo has announced that they will be giving away prizes to the top house owners! Ok so here’s the deal- if I win a prize for having one of the top houses I will give away atleast 100 cazmo cash!!! If my house is #1 in any of the categories I will give away atleast 500 cazmo cash!!! I will not give out anymore deals on the contest but I highly recommend you rate my house 5 stars (internal and external) on all of your accounts and tell your friends!!!

New Newspaper!


Visit the Caz Rox Cafe Friday December 4th and Saturday December 5th to watch Allison Iraheta of American Idol fame perform!
SAT, DECEMBER 5th – 12 noon – 12 midnight ET
Concert begins every hour, on the hour


On December 18-19th Planet Cazmo will be hosting the first of it’s kind, holiday music festival, with all the Cazmo Cash proceeds from the week going to the charity Toys For Tots, helping kids in need this holiday season! Don’t miss this amazing event featuring some of Cazmo’s biggest stars, as well as surprise guests!


With the new rate room feature comes the Best Rated Room Contest! Spruce up that room to win prizes!
Wow all this looks amazin, I can’t wait!


Hey guys it’s AC I arrived in Boston MA earlier today to see my cousin I apologize for posting the updates late but here they are:

There’s a cool new dance move that’s a combination of spinning and flipping!

The newspaper has been updated with previews of Allison Iraheta performing on cazmo. Also the owner of the top rated house has a chance of winning a WII and other cool prizes! (more details about that soon).

Some New Hot Deals

There was a double concert! I wasn’t able to get pics of the concert but that’s what the ticket from the VIP area looks like.

One lucky cazmo per concert has the abilty to control the lights for the concert! Congrats to Millionare for being that lucky person.

There are two new notifications similar to the texting notification when you are changing clothes or viewing the newspaper.


November 22, 2009

Sneak Peak!

Hey guys it’s AC. I’m back from vacation and am exhausted but here is a sweet sneakpeak of Ginormous Ridonculous’ new show! I will write a complete post of all the updates and will be up later tonight or tommorow.


November 13, 2009


Hey guys its AC, Cazmo updated today there were a descent amount of updates!

David Archuleta is now backstage signing autographs!


The concert was today and will continue to run tommorow! There were a lot of people and Flava came to the concert too!



New hot deals that consist mainly of some old holiday hats.


Im not sure when exactly these came out but new eyebrows!


You can now see the top 10 rated houses both interior and exterior for mods, ambassadors celebs and everyone! Im #2 for house interior behind Beta Omer! Thanks and keep voting! They are viewable from the newspaper and the house list.



There is a new Soulja boy Quest at the souljaboy tile! You need to help Soulja Boy collect certain items and he will give you a cool thing for your house, quest guide coming soon!


Lastely the page at has been updated a little bit!

Im pretty sure I covered all the updates, if not comment below! Wow what a good day of updates I had a great time with many of you at the concert, but still no signs of the new cazmo TV series.



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