Planet Cazmo Cheats, Glitches, Secrets, Guides and More!

March 19, 2010


Hey Cazmos today Planet Cazmo updated!

Planet Cazmo has released a new bargain shop, ever Wednesday expect to find new deals!

The newspaper has been updated. The second Ginormous Ridonkulous show has been released. This show focuses mainly on a few old players. My good old friends sAcReD, Themick777, Anzer Lizmos and Night Fang. Ginormous and the Cazmo Band now have voices instead of chat bubbles.  A new contest has been announced, You must sing a song about Planet Cazmo using a new iPhone app called Ladida. I will be checking this out soon. There are new hot deals too, make sure to get your winter items which include iceskates before theyre gone!

The Jason Castro concert Encore is through out this weekend. Be sure to head backstage and get an autograph!


Planet Cazmo Cheats Guide Owner

January 23, 2010


Hey guys its AC sorry for the delay I had to clear up some rumors so thats why the updates are being posted late and the first contest hasnt started.

Iceskates are finally here you can go buy them in the winter shop at the lake! They are really cool, there is a new action you can do which is spinning while skating. Gus Gator now has a scarf and hat too and you can throw an iceskating party!

There are six pairs of skates 2 for coins and 4 for cazmo cash. I bought all 6 :P.

There is now a popup chat window this is very useful when a lot of people are talking! Click the button that is circled to open it or go here while logged on to cazmo.

The mod gift has been updated and this week we have the bear shoes, Ive had them for awhile but theyre cool.

It looks like Cazmo was busy perfecting the skates so that was the main thing they released. I apoligize that the contest hasnt started yet but I will explain why in my next post.


Planet Cazmo Cheats Guide Owner

January 16, 2010


Hey guys its AC today cazmo updated!

Theres some new hot deals and two new coats are out.

Ice skates havent come yet but I found a very cool sneak peak of them!

The Arena has been updated and there is some ice that you can walk on similar to the ice at the lake. I think the Arena looks pretty cool!

Ambassadors are now able to hand out 3 gifts a day! These gifts are the same as the ones given by moderators. Please dont ask me for a gift, if you are helping someone or being nice I will notice you. At times I may just get bored and give out a gift to a random person in the room too.

This weeks gift is a brown shirt.

Today was the Kate concert. Mick came for a visit and he said he might come back to pc!

I thought it was interesting that at the end of the concert the curtains closed instead of them just poofing off.

You can get an autograph from Kate backstage if you are a member!

There’s a new thing with all of the Current events on cazmo too.

Wow that was a lot of updates! Iceskates should come early next week. Buddy lists have increased for members and ambassadors too!

Planet Cazmo Cheats Guide Owner

January 8, 2010


Hey guys its AC today cazmo updated.

To start my personal favorite and the feature I requested the iceskating is here!

According to the Picture iceskates are coming soon. Right now you can just walk across the ice slowly.

The best rated room contest winners have been announced in the new newspaper!

The winners are as followed:

Best Interior-

1. LizzyCoolChick

2. Twinkles

3. Everything Girl

Best Exterior-

1. Black Wolf

2. AgentCazmo (ME!)

3. Beta Omer

It looks like they picked all girls for interior and all boys for exterior. The upcoming concert on Planet Cazmo is Kate Voegele. This is the last week to get your Mikmaqs!

There is a glitch in the moderator message section.

According to Planet Cazmo’s twitter ambassadors will be able to give gifts (3 per day). Next week Black Wolf and Souleo will be on Ginormous Ridonculous show! I like the updates idk about you guys!

Planet Cazmo Cheats Guide Owner

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