Planet Cazmo Cheats, Glitches, Secrets, Guides and More!

March 28, 2010


Hey Cazmos,

Sorry for posting so late but my computer hasnt been working properly lately, Friday Planet Cazmo updated.

Voting for Planet Cazmo’s t-shirt contest has began, you can rate shirts 1-5 stars in the newspaper.

The newspaper has been updated with new hot deals.

The School Gyrls concert is throughout this weekend, make sure you go backstage and pickup an autograph!

This weeks Ambassador Gift is the Baggy Red pants, if an ambassador catches you performing a random act of kindness you could receive these!


Planet Cazmo Cheats Guide

March 16, 2010


Hello Cazmos, Friday Planet Cazmo updated!

St. Patrick’s Day is tomorrow so the snow has melted and decorations have arrived!

New hot deals mainly consisting of St. Patrick’s day clothing items. The weather in the newspaper has changed to “Warming Up” too.

You can now throw water balloons on cazmo instead of snowballs!

While waiting for concerts to start videos now play.

Sorry I didnt take pictures of the Concert this past weekend, I was on vacation. If you have been checking Planet Cazmo’s Twitter lately you would know that at the next Ginormous Ridonkulous show our host will have a voice instead of a chat bubble! Also be sure to enter the t-shirt contest, its ending soon!


Planet Cazmo Cheats Guide Owner

March 5, 2010


Hey Cazmos today Planet Cazmo updated!

There is another new multiplayer game this time at the skate park.

The object of the game it to do more tricks by riding on ramps then everyone else by the time the timer runs out. Its pretty cool and fun because you are playing with friends!

Planet Cazmo has announced another new contest. This time a T-shirt contest! To enter design a shirt for Planet Cazmo and send it in an email to the prizes are yet to be announced.

The limited time only section in the hot deals has been updated and you can now buy the Soda Helmet!

This weeks Ambassador gift is the clown pants. if an Ambassador catches you performing a good deed you could receive these!


Planet Cazmo Cheats Guide Owner

February 26, 2010


Hey guys its Agent today Planet Cazmo updated!

There are new hot deals that include Lady GaGa shirts. A new mustache was added to the body shop too!

The new multiplayer concert game (that I recommended) is here! Its in beta so there are a few bugs but its pretty cool. The objective of the game is to score the most points by shooting the music notes that are flying around the room its pretty fun.

The Parachute concert is this weekend so if you are a member be sure to go backstage and get an autograph.


Planet Cazmo Cheats Guide Owner

February 25, 2010

We Are Back!

Filed under: Planet Cazmo — Tags: , , , , — Ben/Agent @ 5:31 PM

Hey it’s Agent as you can see we are back up! PlanetCazmoGuide.Com was hacked by a group of ignorants that go by #lolwutgoat. Yesterday WordPress finally gave me my account back. Unfortunately all of the content was permanetly deleted and WordPress said there was no way to get it back. Fortunately the day before my blog was hacked I backed up all of the posts etc as a precaution and I had the theme saved on my computer. Mostly everything is back except for the sidebar which I’m still working on restoring from archives. Please spread the word that we are back! I’m sure everyone is wondering when I will be having another cazmo cash contest. The answer is i’m not sure yet. I hope you understand with all these things going on but I promise they will come. But I will say this, the more visitors a day my site gets the sooner the contests will happen! Tell your friends, talk about PlanetCazmoGuide on your blog or other blogs, on forums or any other way you could possibly think of and you could be the proud owner of 100 or maybe even 200 cazmo cash! I will start posting again tommorow (Friday) when we should expect updates.

Planet Cazmo Cheats Guide Owner

February 12, 2010


Hey Cazmos its AC today Cazmo updated!

Savannah Outen is having a concert this weekend. You can pick up an autograph backstage if you are a member.

You can now download her music by talking to the NPC in the Caz Rox Cafe.

Something I have known about for a few days now is anyone can control the lights now!

The soccer jackets have returned to the clothing shop for a limited time!

This weeks ambassador gift is the Robot Sneaks, if an Ambassador catches you performing a random act of kindness you may receive these!


Planet Cazmo Cheats Guide Owner


February 6, 2010


Hey guys its AC today Cazmo had some big updates!

When you first log on Cazmo you will be asked to add security questions to prevent your account from being stolen.

The Ginormous show has finally reached Planet Cazmo! You can see it by clicking “Check out the new Ginormous Ridonkulous Show” in the newspaper. It is starring Black Wolf, Souleo and Kate Voegele.

As you can see from the above picture you can buy and gift valentines day furniture items too.

I noticed Ginormous saying this and I thought it was very interesting could it be a new quest arriving?

The newspaper has been updated with some new hot deals.

There is a new concert banner for the concert next week.

The weather has changed according to the newspaper to Lovely.

And it wouldnt be Valentines day without decorations.

This weeks gift given by ambassadors and mods is a blue jersey.

If you take a look on the homepage you will notice Cazmo is advertising something called songs for Haiti.

That’s a lot of sweet updates. Planet Cazmo definetly made up for last week. I hope I get to be on Ginormous show soon. If I missed any updates please let me know!

Planet Cazmo Cheats Guide Owner

January 31, 2010

We Have a Winner!

Filed under: Planet Cazmo — Tags: , , , , , , , , — Ben/Agent @ 10:04 AM

Hey guys its AC. One of our 3 100 cazmo cash contests has ended! As of yesterday I reached 100 Twitter followers. Many of you sent me replies but only one of you sent it first. Congratulations to Hey Hey Hey on being our big winner! You should see 100 cazmo cash added to your account soon. If you didnt win dont worry because we have 2 more contests on the way! More details soon.


Planet Cazmo Cheats Guide Owner

January 30, 2010

Small Updates

Hey guys its AC. Yesterday Cazmo updated but not much was brought.

This weekend there is a Grammy Party in the Caz Rox cafe!

This weeks gift is a Mint Sweater.

There werent a lot of updates today. Probably because Cazmo is preparing for the Ginormous Show.

Also Lloyd the wondering Alien is back! If you find him he will give you an old spaceship from beta. I am currently fixing my Lloyd tracker and I hope to have it up soon.

I apologize that the Cazmo Cash contest still hasnt happened! I have had mid terms the past two weeks and I have been busy. I will try and have the contest ASAP!


Planet Cazmo Cheats Guide Owner

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January 23, 2010

Lies and Rumors

Filed under: Planet Cazmo — Tags: , , , , — Ben/Agent @ 7:14 PM


Hi everyone I thought I would share with you what has been going on the past few days. On Thursday a few cazmos (not going to mention names) started some rumors about me and where very rude to me. To make things clear anything you might have heard isnt true. To prove it here is the email response Cazmo sent me.

Hello AgentCazmo,

We are looking into the problems you have been having lately on Planet Cazmo. We will warn the players who are offending you, and thanks for letting us know. If the problems persist, please tell us!

So to those players that started the rumors good luck getting me banned or kicked from PCAP for no reason.

The first of the 3 contests will be posted later tonight or early tommorow hopefully!


Planet Cazmo Cheats Guide Owner


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