Planet Cazmo Cheats, Glitches, Secrets, Guides and More!

January 16, 2010


Hey guys its AC today cazmo updated!

Theres some new hot deals and two new coats are out.

Ice skates havent come yet but I found a very cool sneak peak of them!

The Arena has been updated and there is some ice that you can walk on similar to the ice at the lake. I think the Arena looks pretty cool!

Ambassadors are now able to hand out 3 gifts a day! These gifts are the same as the ones given by moderators. Please dont ask me for a gift, if you are helping someone or being nice I will notice you. At times I may just get bored and give out a gift to a random person in the room too.

This weeks gift is a brown shirt.

Today was the Kate concert. Mick came for a visit and he said he might come back to pc!

I thought it was interesting that at the end of the concert the curtains closed instead of them just poofing off.

You can get an autograph from Kate backstage if you are a member!

There’s a new thing with all of the Current events on cazmo too.

Wow that was a lot of updates! Iceskates should come early next week. Buddy lists have increased for members and ambassadors too!

Planet Cazmo Cheats Guide Owner

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